Sunday, May 29, 2011

Piercing and Body Modification

body plugs
Skin piercing is getting popular these days as a lot of people are in search on how to look unique and different from other people. In fact, skin piercing is now considered as part of modern fashion. However, this particular fashion trend is only ventured by brave people who are not afraid to perform piercing all over their bodies.

Although popular, little is known about the origin of this fashion trend, a lot of people still go for skin piercing. Different styles of piercing exist and these include the usual forms of stars and other geometric shapes. However, some outlandish designs are also available such as horns and figures inspired from monster featured on a scary movie.

There are some skin piercings that are extreme. For instance, the bifurcation of the tongue which involves a small operation of cutting the tip of the tongue in two parts to resemble tongues of the reptilian animals is an example of extreme body modification. The depth of cut depends on the preference of those who undergo the procedure but is generally up to 5 cm depending on the anatomy of the person.

The operation is usually performed using a scalpel. It makes a clean cut and cauterized the wound to diminish the bleeding, but the success of the procedure varies according the skill of the artist. Many choose to have two or three holes in their tongues when the cut has already been healed to create a dramatic look. The piercings are placed after the bifurcation since it is less painful to the person.

body modification
The pain level is directly dependent on the strength of the person. Having said this, this type of heavy body modifications is done without anesthesia because the pain is part of the ritual, especially for those who consider this method beyond aesthetics. Unlike what many may think, this procedure does not affect the ability of the person to taste and talk. However, the person needs a few weeks to learn how to get used to speaking properly.

Thus, if you are brave then you are welcome to try this extreme art fashion.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Prejudices About Online Social Gaming

Mobile Applications Services
Google Apps Reseller

Online gaming is fun, that I wrote in announcing the partnership with MarketingProfs , and in the first case with Universal I hope we have a little show that online casual gaming environments also can be effectively used for online advertising. There is confusion, cold feet and there are a number of persistent prejudice. I've written below in random order and try per statement / prejudice to present our vision, occasionally supported by figures, research and facts.

Gaming is addictive

Yes, gaming, which may well be addictive. But for online casual gaming, we think different rules apply, so I mention it here anyway. For there he is again, casual social gaming is a different ball game. It is not addictive in the classical sense. If people find fifteen minutes a day to spend on our site, are the games we offer more than addictive, I wonder aloud at this. The games on the social gaming platforms Games are fun to play and work is more frustrating than relaxing. We hope and we're working on.

Gaming is a waste of time: it will not contribute to the development of children
Thoroughly hard! My Child Online Foundation recommends ( see this broadcast on the website of RTL 4) children 3years n no longer than 10 minutes online and children 6 years, no longer than 30 minutes per day online. Besides outdoor games and online social gaming build huts can certainly complement the development of children. In our view there is a creative and educational layer in many of our games. There is much to learn, one of the most successful games is Professor Purse, which lets you play only once a day. You learn together, and you're building your confidence because things 'work'. Consider also the aspect of care for such animals or maintaining a farm in Farmville. 

Online gaming is not suitable for serious advertisers

Online gaming is increasingly becoming one of the largest forms of entertainment in the media. There were over 28 million visitors to the cinema in the Netherlands alone and 300 million game players were on social gaming sites, for the year 2010. Do not shoot me, of course this is a bit of comparing apples and pears. But it gives an idea and no, it's not just about numbers. The activity and commitment on our portals is big and we are dealing with an audience quite receptive to online advertising (83 percent).The more relevant the better course: innovations as branded games, sponsored items, advertainment communities and improve the gaming experience rather than interrupt.  And this will increasingly be used in the future.

Online gaming is big only in Western countries

On the portals we have players from all over the world except I think two in Africa. China is probably the largest economy in 2014 for online gaming. You do not have a fast broadband connection for online games to play. At Pivot, we have the platforms available in 19 different countries. And we isolate in India have played more cricket than the U.S… Online gaming is global and breaks through borders and cultures. Like everything on the Internet.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bizzare Body Adornments

Body Art

Tattoos and body piercings are now a common sight around us, although some people have qualms about it. I myself turn squeamish sometimes when I see tongues or navels pierced. What we see around us, however, pale in comparison to some traditional body adornments practiced in some countries. Let's take a look at three of them:

Scarification - A customary practice in many Northeast African tribes, scarification is the tradition of leaving permanent scars on the body for aesthetic reasons. Americans and Europeans may find this hard to understand, but to these tribes it is a rite of passage. By these scars, one can tell a tribe member's age or social status, as well as how rich he is. In some cases, the scars can make a person look more sexy. Scars are usually created on the face and the belly, but legs and the back are also good parts to have scars on. By making deep incisions on the skin, scars  are created in geometric patterns. Ash  or some form of acid is then rubbed on the incisions the help make these scars permanent.

Lip plates – Have you ever wondered how far you can stretch a person's lip? The Mursi and Suri tribes of Ethiopa can give you the answer. Among the many tribes in Africa that wore lip plates, these tribes remain today to wear this unusual body adornment. How is a lip plate installed? About a year before a girl reaches marrying age, she begins stretching her lip, starting with a small hole. She then keeps stretching it until the hole is big enough to hold a plate. These girls tend to push the limit of their  lips because bigger lip plates meant more dowry. Sometimes, however, the lip can snap, which renders the girl unfit for marriage—except for the old or the sick.

Lip plates were originally worn to prevent men from seizing women and turning them into slaves, but today, they are articles of fashion.
Body Modification

Neck rings – Some Thai women are known for wearing several tight rings around their necks, creating an illusion of elongated necks. Illusion, because what actually happens is that their shoulders get deformed after many years of wearing these rings. Women wearing neck rings have become a tourist attraction in Thailand.

People have different reasons for wearing unusual body adornments. Some just want to be "in", others want to experiment and try something new. Others, still, carry on with these practices a part of their cultural traditions.  It doesn't help to label these practices "weird" or "extreme". As the old adage puts it, to each his own.