Monday, June 13, 2011

How Failure Can Help You

achieve inner peace
Contrary to what most people believe, although problems can be tormenting, it is a unique key that opens to greatness. To implement this concept, we must reject the idea that failure or error means that something is wrong.

Failure is just an indicator whether we have achieved our goals or not. In fact, when we ambition to achieve something, we end up making sure that we don’t make any errors along the way. However, there are a lot of times when we do experience failure but this does not mean that you have to drop your ambitions all the same if you experience failure. Sometimes it is a matter of changing the means we have tried to achieve that ambition. Failure can also reveal that we were unwise to evaluate the entire situation. It often happens that one man's failure can be success to others. This means that the parameters of each are different and not the result itself.

Any conclusions we reach about failure is essentially a hypothesis and a reaction to disappointment, fear and despair which are emotions that commonly accompanies failure.

achieve happiness
When we experience failure, we must remember that this is a matter of interpretation. Before we can properly interpret the implications of failure, there is an even bigger issue to focus on and that usually goes unnoticed. On what basis do we determine parameters experience a failure? Are we open-minded enough to see the other side of the story and recognize that we also got benefits from it? Have we learned anything?

Thomas Edison said that with each failure, he was very clear on what should be repeated and what not to avoid. So today, a failure to resolve allowed future errors and it also results to problems. Every failure leaves a mark and you can use it to learn something in the future.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Five Love Languages

I have the happiness to say that I married my soul mate. My husband supports me in my madness; He is very responsible, good father, good son, enterprising, affectionate and even helps me with the house. We love each other very much.

achieve happiness
But hey, they say that nobody is perfect. And we could say that when God created the romance, it was not in this division. Do not think that he is an ogre, he has the most beautiful nature you can imagine, he is usually happy. And always remember to buy roses for my birthday and Valentine's Day. For me (and everyone is different) the idea of showing love to another person, in addition to making sacrifices for her, respected, supported, understood, and so on. Also given gifts, surprises and show others how much you love openly.

Then, a few years ago we went to a lecture in which we talked about a book called "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. He explains that all express love in different ways and usually expressed in the same way they expect.

The five forms are:

1. Words of affirmation
2. Quality time
3. Receiving Gifts
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical touch

how to be happy
After hearing the talk about the book my husband and I discovered that the way he shows his affection is doing acts of service and expects the same from me. I, however am the hopeless romantic waiting for times like those in the movies.

For several years we have reached a middle ground in which we try to show our love in the way that the other likes even though it is no big deal. I try to do things for him, as serving food on the table when I can (as he likes) or do something that he had to do. Instead, he tries to dedicate a song or write a note from time to time.

If you have not read this book with your partner, I highly recommend doing so. It will help you understand more. Yes, never forget the most important thing is communication, be always evaluating the relationship together and trying to adapt to each other.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


beauty services
Prevention is to fight, let us ask the advice of specialists and recover our once healthy skin, youthful and bright.

Facial hygiene

Cleaning is a basic concept in skin care. The skin as an organ is larger than the body needs to perform its basic functions such as oxygen and subsequent nutrition and regeneration, so we must keep it clean, natural and free of debris particles that clog the pores and impede the normal operation .

Facial cleanliness is also a fundamental step to achieve the best beauty treatment and skin free of impurities that fully leverages the benefits of appropriate assets to any treatment.

Facial cleanliness: Cleansing and toning, Exfoliate, Remove impurities (if necessary), Purify, Corrective and soothing mask, Massage / drain with adequate specific cosmetic, Light proof, Depending on skin hygiene biotype have specific characteristics and suitable adapted to each patient and the frequency of treatment will be determined by the beautician.

Extreme Hydration

Due to external and internal factors to which we are subjected daily making our unprotected skin continuously dehydrated.

When your skin lacks moisture, as shown by these signs: Inflexible, has small wrinkles gestural, rough, Inconsistent, All this at just 25 years of age.

Objective: To recover and avoid a greater extent these losses by providing mainly collagen that being a natural constituent ensures the flexibility and elasticity of skin hydration by encouraging and stimulating the skin lining as reinforcement also integrates marine DNA restructures its power, hydrating and against free radicals which gives exceptional skin hydration.

Applied in combination with other techniques collagen veil of pure insoluble collagen fibers forming a three-dimensional grid when wet becomes soft and gelatinous in direct contact with the skin greatly increases hydration and improves skin firmness.

Global Reaffirmation: Your skin does not reveal your age

beauty therapy
Aging is not necessarily determined by age, but rather by factors that surround us, emerging wrinkles around the eyes, mouth and forehead, the loss of the oval face (sagging) wrinkles on the neck and chest, begin to increasingly reflect over the years, it is necessary to combat these disturbing factors by strengthening and supporting the skin what it alone cannot.

Our customized treatments include active ingredients of the most advanced technologies to act on the three layers of the skin such as vitamins A, C, E, F, hyaluronic acid, DMAE, filling, hydrating, strengthening and ultimately repairing cells skin with an optimal result.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

What To Do In Case Of Water Damage?

water damage repair
Your home is always at risk of getting damages. Aside from fire damage, you home is also in danger of getting water damage. In case of water damage, you must immediately take steps to limit the extent in order to save your home. Below are some things that you can do in case of water damage.

• Remove the cause of the water damage. For instance, if your washing machine has a problem, then connect the inlet valve of the leaking washing machine or close off the water supply to your home if a pipe is cracked. If the water comes from another house or common parts, notify your neighbors, the owner or manager as soon as possible. When the roof is damaged, place a tarpaulin when the repair is not immediately carried out.
• Turn off the electricity if the leak is near a power plug and call in an electrician before turning the power back on;
• Remove the damaged items or those likely to be damaged from the flood site. Try to protect furniture against the water;
• When the cause of the water is under control, let the wet areas in your house to dry by aerating or turning the heater on.
• Do not force the thawing process by using dangerous process like making an open fire which can burst your pipes. Call a specialist to help you thaw your frozen pipes.

flood damage
Do report the accident to your insurer:

• Put the declaration as soon as possible on your insurance;
• Collect the necessary evidence that could be used for the settlement of the claim and make a list of the damaged property, take photos if necessary.
• Keep any damaged item because the damage will have to be proven for you to claim your insurance;
• Keep invoices related to urgent work you have carried out for your home.